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Load and Pack

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Broyhill Product Catalog

Great for Parks

Parks and Recreation departments around the country use the convenience of automated refuse collection to help keep their parks clean and safe.

St Paul, MN Riverfront Park
Ocean City, MD

Great for Beaches

Used on both East and West coast beaches including the Gulf of Mexico.

Boost Efficiency

Load and Pack, with one operator, empties up to 400-600 refuge bins per day and can lift bins up to 500 lbs with a single operator.

Receptacle, can, and barrel sizes can range from 30 gal to 95 gal including 55 gallon barrels.
Wildwood Crest, NJ

Safe for Any Area

Full visibility from the cab via large windows all around the operator also includes a monitor that displays views from cameras on each side and the back of the Load and Pack.  This ensures the vehicle can go anywhere while making sure everyone and everything around it stays safe.

Rugged Construction Designed for Tough Environments